Welcome to Reality and Truth Ministries Blog:
Thank you for joining us here. Come visit us at 515 South Court Street Montgomery Alabama. We serve the homeless and needy of our community Monday through Friday from 1-6; Saturday and Sunday from 5-6. We provide food, clothing, showers, laundry facilities and supper every night from 5-6.
Immediate needs:
Prayer: Please pray without ceasing for our ministry. If you are a prayer warrior and would like to be on our list for prayer updates please let us know. We also have a daily time of prayer that you are welcome to join either in person or set your alarm for 12:30 Monday through Friday and pray with us for the ministry. We pray each day before we open for a hedge of protection around our complex, for safety for the workers and those we serve and for the needs that are before us.
Work Projects: We are in the process of building and remodeling our new building at 506 Montgomery Street and hope to move to that new location soon. If you would like to help paint, build, or clean please let us know. We are working every Saturday to get the new building ready for our move and would welcome anyone who wants to come. Other times are also available.
Day Warriors: We are composing a list of people who may want to donate a day of service. This may include taking someone to the social security office, moving donated furniture, picking up building supplies or food and delivering to the mission. Or just come and spend time by playing cards or checkers. The daily needs are great and we currently only have a handful of workers. We would love to have a large list of daily servants to call upon.
Clothing and Food: We are always in need of clothes and food. We have organized suppers every night from 5-6 (with all slots being filled at present). If you would like to be put on a waiting list or as a sub let us know. If you have leftovers from your church or group dinner you can always bring food by from 1-6 Monday through Friday. We are always in need of coffee, sugar, creamer, cups, plates, silverware or hygiene items. If you are out and have a 2 for 1 offer always think of us as a place for your donation.
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